Permanent Call for papers

I + T + C is an annual publication of the Comfacauca University Corporation - UNICOMFACAUCA, its main purpose is to disseminate the results of the research of the international and national academic community and the engineering faculties of Unicomfacauca, in the areas of: Mechatronics, Electronics, Automation, Systems, Software Development, Technology, Industrial Engineering, Agricultural Sciences, Education and ICT Management. In this context, professors, researchers and students are invited to submit their unpublished articles, research results and other outstanding works on engineering, for the 15th Edition of the Journal. The work will be published under the Creative Commons BY-NC-SA 4.0 license, this license allows copying, redistributing the material in any medium or format, remixing, transforming and creating from the material. However, credit must be given to the authors, no commercial use and the generated material must be licensed under this same license. (


Table 1. Description

Open Call of Papers Permanent Permanent
Review - PER-REVIEW Permanent Permanent
Author notifications 30 days -
Final versions Complete  Complete