About the Journal
Editor: Diego Andrés Campo Ceballos, PhD
ISSN: 1909-5775 Unicomfacauca Editorial
Periodicity: Annual
Response time first Editorial decision: 30 days after submission
Peer acceptance response time: 60 days
Publish response time: 30 days after acceptance
I + T + C is a peer-reviewed annual publication whose publishing entity is the Comfacauca University Corporation - UNICOMFACAUCA. Its primary purpose is to disseminate the research results of the international and national academic community and the engineering faculties of the Corporación Universitaria Comfacauca - Unicomfacauca in all areas of engineering, such as mechatronics, automation, mechanics, software development, environmental sciences, and agriculture, technology, education, and TICs management. Below are the primary considerations that must be considered when proposing an article in this Journal.
The I + T + C journal will give preference to works of scientific quality, which, according to the typology of the National Indexing System of Scientific Publications of minciencias in Colombia, meet the following characteristics:
1) Scientific and technological research article. This is a document that presents, in detail, the original results of completed research projects. The structure generally used contains four important sections: introduction, methodology, results, and conclusions.
2) Reflection article. A document that presents the results of finished research from the author's analytical, interpretative, or critical perspective on a specific topic, using original sources.
3) Review article. Document resulting from a completed research, where the results of published or unpublished research on a field in science or technology are analyzed, systematized, and integrated to account for progress and development trends. It is characterized by presenting a careful bibliographic review of at least 50 references.
Articles submitted for consideration by the Editorial Committee of the Journal for publication must follow the following instructions:
- The author must send the article through the OJS system ( register ) and attach the article file in the journal format and the Article Submission and Transfer of Rights Format, in which the article is evaluated; general information on the author (s) is attached. It is stated that it is an original product, has not been presented to any other publication, and will not be submitted to another journal for consideration. At the same time, it remains in the arbitration process.
- Articles must be written on letter-size paper, on one side, typed using Microsoft Word (.docx), DOWNLOAD TEMPLATE single-spaced, one column, with all margins at 2.0 cm. Font Times New Roman, size 12. The first page should include: Article title, full names and surnames of the authors, abstract and keywords.
- The official languages for presenting the articles are Spanish, English, and Portuguese, and their writing must be in the third person.
- The length of the texts must have a minimum of 4000 and a maximum of 6000 words (including images and tables, it cannot exceed 16 pages)
- If the article includes mathematical equations, they must be done in Word's equation editor and numbered according to the IEEE format.
- If graphic material (images, figures, and tables) is attached, to ensure the high quality of the printing, this material and its legends must be designed by quality computer graphic editors.
The graphic material can be placed in full size; however, the authors must ensure that the material is of sufficient quality and resolution to reproduce without damaging its readability. Each graphic material must include the title and its numbering in order of appearance. This must be sent in an electronic file independent of the text (in high resolution at a minimum of 300 PPP, in JEPG, GIFF, PSD, or BMP formats). Submit at least five excellent-quality illustrations to have a margin of selection.
Tables, figures, and photographs must be original from the author (s); otherwise, it is necessary to request permission from the corresponding editor, or if there are restrictions on the image, indicate the Creative Commons category to which it belongs.
All items must include:
- Qualification. It should be brief but descriptive of the article's content and easily understood by the non-specialized reader. The nature of the title will be marked with an asterisk, specifying whether it is the product of an investigation, reflection, or review. If it is the product of an investigation, the title of the project, date of completion, and center, seedbed, or research group that endorses it must be indicated. It must be submitted in Spanish, English, OR Portuguese.
- Authors. Indicate with two asterisks the full names and surnames of the author (s), city, level 1 of education, current institutional affiliation, position, address, email, city, and country.
- Summary. A brief description of the article's central topic, in which the objectives, methodology, results, and conclusions are synthesized. With a maximum of 150 words in Spanish, English, OR Portuguese, and must be written in a single paragraph. They should not coincide with complete portions taken literally from the body of the text (e.g., from the introduction or conclusions).
- Keywords. Up to 5 keywords must be alphabetically presented in the three languages. Where possible, they correspond to descriptors or thesauri, such as those of UNESCO ( http://databases.unesco.org/thessp ) or another that it considers relevant for the knowledge area.
- Introduction. It must contain a justification and/or background of the problem or issue, the hypothesis or description of the problem or theme, and the thesis and method followed to obtain the solution of the problem or treatment or organization of the subject, which must be consistent with the content.
- Development of the topic by points. Follow numbering as appropriate. Materials and methods and results. Tables and figures.
- Conclusions. This section reflects on the work's achievements concerning the objectives set and briefly discusses the subject's future.
- Bibliographic references. IEEE standards will be used for references (see section on Citation Standards).
- Acknowledgments. Optional section
The Journal is governed by a code of ethics published on the institutional page of the Corporación Universitaria Comfacauca - CODE OF ETHICS - UNICOMFACAUCA.
The Editorial Committee will carry out a first review of the articles received through the OJS and the "Format Checklist for Compliance with the Journal's Standards," examining only the form. The result of said process will be done in three ways: Received, Received with Modifications, and Not Received. When modifications are made, the authors will have one week to submit the article again.
Subsequently, the Editorial Committee will submit the articles for evaluation by academic peers specialized in the subject, taking into account the area of the article. Two referees will evaluate each article, and at least 50% of the peer evaluators will be external to the Corporación Universitaria Comfacauca - UNICOMFACAUCA. The Journal's arbitration process is doubly blind, which implies that neither the authors nor the peers will know each other's identities.
The academic peers will evaluate according to the criteria established in the "Journal Evaluation Format" delivered by the Editorial Committee. The result is issued in three ways:
- Approved for publication without modifications.
- Approved for publication after modifications made by the author and verification thereof by the Journal
- Not Approved for Publication.
If the article is evaluated but requires modifications, the Editorial Committee will send the suggestions so that the author can make the respective corrections if necessary. The maximum deadline for delivery of corrections is three weeks, which will begin the day after the work is submitted with the modifications suggested by the referee. Subsequently, after this process has been satisfactorily completed, an initial approval will be given.
Once the article is initially approved, the Editorial Committee, together with the editor, will select the articles that meet the highest levels of scientific quality and give final approval. Thus, the receipt of contributions does not imply the obligation of their publication.
When the article is approved for publication, the author will receive a notification by email.
The formats registered by the referees and all the documents supporting the editorial process will be saved in the publishing entity's repository and file.
The Comfacauca University Corporation—UNICOMFACAUCA—will not be responsible for the concepts issued in the publications, and no claim may proceed against it. The concepts are exclusively the responsibility of their authors.
The author (s) are responsible for adequately preparing the article for publication (including its spelling). Articles that do not comply with the established standards will not be considered for publication.
The I + T + C Journal does NOT make any charge (Article Processing Charge - APC) to any of the authors for the reception, evaluation and publication of the articles..
Anti-plagiarism software will review all content sent to the Journal for publication. Unicomfacauca will use the URKUND software, which has been acquired and licensed for this purpose.
The I + T + C journal uses the IEEE (Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers) bibliographic format, in which only the initial of the author's name is shown, uses italics for the name of the book, and requires information from the publisher, place of publication and year of publication, as a minimum. If the article has more than five or more authors, only the first author can be written and then et al. in italics. If there is extra information, such as volume number, number of pages, series to which it belongs, etc., this can also be included. If several books by the same author are cited, the author's name can be replaced by a hyphen.
IEEE does not require the author and title to be mentioned in the text. It is inserted into the grammar of the sentence as if they were footnotes or nouns.
Examples of references in the text
as shown by Brown [4], [5]; as mentioned before in [2], [4] - [7], [9]; Smith [4] and Brown and Jones [5]; Wood et al. [7]
Three or more authors are put first, as are "et al."
Example nouns:
As demonstrated in [3] and according to [4] and [6] - [9].
- The basic format for books:
- K. Author, "Title of the chapter of the book". Edition. Publication City, Country if not US Publisher abbrev, year, ch. x, pp. xxx-xxx.
- The basic format for periodicals
- K. Author, "Name of the article," Abbrev. Publication title, vol. x, No. x, pp. xxx-xxx, Abbrev. Month year.
- The basic format for reports
- K. Author, "Report Title," Abbrev. Co Name, Co City, Abbrev. State, Rep. Xxx, year.
- Basic format for books (available on the internet):
Author. (year, month, day). Qualification. (edit) [Media type]. Volume (number). Available at: site/path/file
- The basic format for magazines (available on the internet):
Author. (year month). Qualification. Magazine. [Media type]. Volume (number), pages. Available at: site/path/file
- Basic format for papers presented at conferences (available on the internet):
Author. (year month). Qualification. Presented at the Conference. [Media type]. Available at: site/path/file
- Basic format for reports (available on the internet):
Author. (year month). Qualification. Company. City, State, or Country. [Media type]. Available at: site/path/file
- Basic format for patents (available on the internet):
Name of the invention, name of the inventor. (year, month, day). Patent number [Media type]. Available at: site/path/file
- Basic format for conferences (published):
JK Author, "Article Title" Abbreviated Name of Conf., The City of Conf., Abbrev. State, year, pp. Xxxxxx.
- The basic format for patents:
JK Author, "Patent Title," Patent Number. x xxx xxx, Abbrev. Month Day Year.
- Basic format for thesis (MS) and dissertations (Ph.D.):
- K. Author, "Thesis title," MS thesis, Abrev. Dept., Abrev. Univ. Ciudad de la Univ., Abrev. State, year.
- K. Author, "Thesis Title," Ph.D. dissertation, Abrev. Dept., Abrev. Univ. Ciudad de la Univ., Abrev. State, year.
- The basic format for unpublished standard reference types.
- K. Author, private communication, Abrev. Month year.
- K. Author, "Title of the article". Not published.
JK Author, "Article title". In the process of publication.
- The basic format for standards.
Standard title, standard number, date.
Whenever possible, include the DOI or URL in the references.
Teachers, researchers, and students are invited to send their unpublished articles, results of research works, and other outstanding works on engineering, technology, and sciences for the Edition of the Journal year after year.
The I + T + C Journal provides immediate open access to its content based on the principle that offering the public free access to research helps a greater global exchange of knowledge. Thanks to the Open Journal System, the contents of the I + T + C Journal are available immediately after an edition is published.
The works are published under the Creative Commons BY-NC-SA 4.0 license, which allows copying, redistributing the material in any medium or format, remixing, transforming, and creating from the material. However, credit must be given to the authors, no commercial use is allowed, and the generated material must be licensed under this same license (https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-sa/4.0/deed.es).
I+T+C Journal uses the LOCKSS and CLOCKSS storage systems
If you have any questions, please write to revistaitc@unicomfacauca.edu.co - dcampo@unicomfacauca.edu.co