Adjuvant Mechatronic Equipment for the Treatment of Diabetic Foot

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Aníbal Rubén Mantilla Guerra
Néstor Gabriel Gaibor De Witt


This document presents the process of developing a co-adjuvant mechatronic device in the treatment of diabetic foot. With the determination of the technical specifications for the design and construction of the coadjuvant equipment, it was possible to successfully use various engineering methods applied to medicine, based on the IEC60601 and ISO 14971 standards.


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How to Cite
Mantilla Guerra , A. R., & Gaibor De Witt, N. G. (2020). Adjuvant Mechatronic Equipment for the Treatment of Diabetic Foot. I+ T+ C- Research, Technology and Science, 1(14), 45–50.
Research Papers


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