Published: 2020-12-18

Videogames, an alternative for learning

William Miguel Reyes Alvarado , Edwin Arley Fonseca Canaria, Karen Dayana Rodríguez-Hernández


Introduction to educational robotics in rural areas for the development of an obstacle detector controlled by a mobile app

Cristian Barria, Clara Lucia Burbano, Carlos Wilfreth Cuellar Anturi, Daniel Fernando Draco, Willintonn Ortiz


Design and implementation of a potato peeling prototype

Jeisson Orlando Diaz Mána, Laura Daniela Ordierez


Adjuvant Mechatronic Equipment for the Treatment of Diabetic Foot

Aníbal Rubén Mantilla Guerra , Néstor Gabriel Gaibor De Witt


Mechatronic design of a force measurement machine in monitored rehabilitation

Luz Maria Tobar, Gabriela Verdezoto , Christian Renán Vásquez , Daniel Álvarez , Iván Iglesias


Breeding and production of Acheta Domesticus as a protein source for the fish farming sector in the department of Huila applying IoT techniques

Vanesa Bahamon Bahamon, Víctor Iván Castro Flórez, Laura Daniela Ordierez Zuñiga, Andrés Enrique González
