Emotional approach of user-centered design for virtual learning environments

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Angela P. Villareal F
Andrés F. Aguirre A.
Cesar A. Collazos O.
Rosa Gil I.


This paper is the result of an investigation where the need to extend the qualitative approach of User Centered Design (UCD) shown, from an emotional perspective, considering the underlying characteristics behind the behavior of people. This affective component forms one of the main factors determining the quality and effectiveness of learning. However, hedonic factors are the least explored in user experience (UX) educational applications, because the elicitation of emotions in learning environments is indeed difficult to achieve. For this reason, a design model for any educational application, which can evoke emotions that are desired during interaction with these systems considering the psychological profile of each student is proposed. The ultimate goal is to provide a methodology to design applications that improve educational performance and student learning.


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How to Cite
Villareal F, A. P., Aguirre A., A. F. ., Collazos O., C. A. ., & Gil I. , R. . (2014). Emotional approach of user-centered design for virtual learning environments. I+ T+ C- Research, Technology and Science, 1(8), 67–73. Retrieved from https://revistas.unicomfacauca.edu.co/ojs/index.php/itc/article/view/itc2014_67_73
Research Papers