Security threats to computer control systems and industrial monitoring

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Ermilso Díaz Benachi Díaz Benachi
Diana Jimena López
Jhon Alexander Guerrero


This article makes a thoughtful research on the different threats that arise in industrial control systems and general information systems used in the industry to support their activities. This interest arises from the increasing openness of the networks that support these systems and today is enhanced due to the incorporation of internet within industrial facilities. The items shown widespread threats to which the industry is exposed when using open networks or how their networks are exposed to different vulnerabilities and what efforts should consider to mitigate and fields which have not yet strategies shock are generated.


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How to Cite
Díaz Benachi, E. D. B., López, D. J. ., & Guerrero, J. A. . (2015). Security threats to computer control systems and industrial monitoring. I+ T+ C- Research, Technology and Science, 1(9), 79–86. Retrieved from
Research Papers