Construction of a transfemoral knee prosthesis by applying a methodology based on the DFMA technique

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Víctor Erazo Arteaga
Cosme Mejía Echeverría
Fernando Valencia Aguirre
Xavier Lima Trujillo


From the research “Construction of a monocentric knee prosthesis by means of CNC machining” carried out at the Universidad Te?cnica del Norte and published in the journal UIS Ingenieri?as, volume 16 of the year 2017, the state of art is approached with a social perspective. The main characteristics of the initial prosthesis are conserved and a new design is proposed based on four methodological steps of the technique Design for manufacturing and assembly (DFMA) to reduce its weight and cost. As a result, we obtain a prosthesis for a 100 Kg person with a safety factor of 2.6 with a weight reduction of 22.6% and a final cost reduction of 47%.


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How to Cite
Erazo Arteaga, V. ., Mejía Echeverría, C. ., Valencia Aguirre, F. ., & Lima Trujillo , X. . (2019). Construction of a transfemoral knee prosthesis by applying a methodology based on the DFMA technique. I+ T+ C- Research, Technology and Science - Unicomfacauca, 1(13), 16–23. Retrieved from
Research Papers