Published: 2019-12-20

Robotic orthosis for bilateral rehabilitation of left hand for patients with hemiplegia

Ximena Lorena Albornoz Tepán, Jarni Damián Flores Mendieta, Joel Miguel Guamán Ochoa, Jae Hyun Hwang Cardenas, Luis Fernando Malla Zúñiga, Romel Sebastián Zhindón Guzmán, Esteban Mora Tola


Construction of a transfemoral knee prosthesis by applying a methodology based on the DFMA technique

Víctor Erazo Arteaga, Cosme Mejía Echeverría, Fernando Valencia Aguirre, Xavier Lima Trujillo


Ergonomic Evaluation with the RULA Method in Real Working Conditions through Kinect V2.

Harold David Villacís Jara , Oscar Iván Zambrano Orejuela, Daniel Eduardo Araujo Vizuete, Carlos Enrique Cevallos Barragán

24 - 33

Mechatronic device for the roses cultivation and harvest

Christian Renán Vásquez Falcony , Edison Javier Achina, Luz María Tobar Subía

34 - 41

3D printing: the new industrial revolution

Edwar Guillermo Velasco, David Armando Revelo

60 - 71

Approach to teaching programming in exact science careers

Ana Nieves Rodríguez, Patricia Mónica Fernández, Adriana Inés Pérez, Christine Adriane Isgro

74 - 77

Propuesta metodológica para el análisis y diseño curricular del área de tecnología e informática

Tania Milena Benavides Villota, Karol Ximena Burbano Cabrera, Luis Eduardo Paz Saavedra

78 - 85

Augmented reality in the teaching of natural sciences

Silvia Andrea Torres Oliveros, Lucia Bustamante Meza

86 - 89

Object-oriented programming: easy to create

Eilen Lorena Pérez Montero, Flor de María Hernández Pérez

96 - 100

Construction of an OVA as a mediating strategy to strengthen the sexual education of 7A students of the Institución Educativa Juan XXIII Mercaderes Cauca

Diana Lubeida Montenegro Velasco , José Julián Arboleda Urrutia, Gabriel Elías Chanchí Golondrino, Héctor Raúl Velarde Bedregal

110 - 113