A mechatronic method, to achieve savings in single-phase active energy, higher than that obtained with the Fan Law
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It is a mechatronic method, to achieve savings in single-phase active energy, higher than that obtained with the "Fan Law" in electrical machines applied to ventilation. The quantitative methods of analysis were based on electrical engineering techniques, practiced with the corresponding laboratory instruments on the work materials (three prototypes of electrical machines). The results found from the experimentation of the prototypes in the test bench were reflected in tables that collect the data of formulas, values and physical units. The discussion makes a complete comparative study; mainly between power (watts), active energy consumption (kwh) and rotational speed (RPM). As a conclusion, a direct impact was obtained on the consumption of single-phase active electrical energy measured in kilowatt-hours (kwh); Since the PMSM type synchronous motor to carry out mechanical work that translates into speed on the impeller blades and transfer it as speed of the air fluid, works at 100% of its maximum speed of 3000 (RPM) with only 6.3 (Watts) , this is 25.2% of the active power than the single phase asynchronous induction motor or shaded pole motor that required 25 (Watts) to rotate at 1690 (RPM). This translates as a 75% lower active power (in Watts) with a 44% superiority in speed, which is summarized in lower consumption of single-phase active energy (kWh). The same thing also happens if the universal AC motor is compared, to maintain a speed at 3000 (RPM), as the PMSM-type synchronous motor will consume 64.8 (Watts), that is, 90.3% more active power than that required for match the same speed of the synchronous motor. All with the same diameter of the impeller blades and at the same conditions of temperature and atmospheric air pressure.
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