From pedagogical practice with transition and first to the recognition of learning environments for technology and computing: Problems in the field of action

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Caren Juliana Jaimes Leal


This paper presents a proposal from the observation of the learning environments to make the transfer of knowledge efficient to the students, for it was collected information from documents of the education secretariat and some other texts that describe the learning environments of technology and computer science. Bearing in mind that we in practice, not only enter the classroom of technology and computer science to teach concepts, but also make an observation of the conditions of the learning environment, which we can take advantage of in the space of educational practice and provide conditions for learning in technology and information technology.
Finding the drastic change between the learning environment in practice two with transition, finding certain convergences with the described by Loughlin and Suina and in practice three, with first of primary, where the learning environment changes drastically, asking what are the characteristics of the conditions of a learning environment of technology and computer science? What is the influence of learning environments on the development of technology activities? How can we work technology and computer science with students in such a way that the student understands the concepts?


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How to Cite
Jaimes Leal, C. J. (2020). From pedagogical practice with transition and first to the recognition of learning environments for technology and computing: Problems in the field of action. I+ T+ C- Research, Technology and Science, 1(14), 35–39.
Research Papers


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