A comparative study of classic Proportional-Integral and Fuzzy control approaches for temperature regulation in a microbiolog-ical incubator
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This study presents the design and implementation of two thermal control schematics for a microbiological incubator for which the performance of a classic Proportional-integral (PI) and a Fuzzy Inference System (FIS) is compared. To obtain experimental validation, a microbiological incubator was designed and built. Then, the construction of said incubator’s prototype is described, along with the design and implementation of both PI and FIS controllers. Results demonstrate that both controllers display a satisfactory response to temperature management. Although the PI controller has practical and stable answers, the FIS shows higher system adaptability. It is evidenced that both strategies are suitable for the temperature control of the incubator and that the choice between PI or FIS lies within the individual necessities and parameters of a chosen process. This study serves as a foundation for future research as it concerns thermal control strategies for systems of the same type.
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