Agile prototyping strategy for building shared understanding in requirements engineering
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The strategy proposed in this paper addresses a critical challenge in requirements engineering: building a shared understanding among all stakeholders in software development. Shared understanding refers to the ability of people in a team to have a common and consistent understanding of the requirements that the system will have, which is essential for effective collaboration. The construction of this strategy was done using Situational Method Engineering (SME), which allowed to obtain, at the end of the realization of each of its activities, a set of phases, with their respective activities and tasks, which seek the construction of shared understanding through the realization of agile prototyping. The use of prototypes allows to provide a visual and tangible representation of the system requirements, which facilitates communication and feedback among stakeholders. In this sense, this article shows the use of SME for the final construction of the strategy, which consists of several phases, including planning, requirements identification and analysis, non-functional prototyping, requirements management, functional prototyping, and socialization. These phases are designed to strengthen communication, promote collaboration, and ensure a solid shared understanding throughout the software development process.
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