Experimentation of e-portfolio in universities: Mahara-Moodle uses

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Carina S. González González


This document presents the work process developed in the pilot project that testing the e-portfolio at the University of La Laguna, supported in the open source tools Mahara and Moodle. The experiment was conducted during the 2010-2011 academic year with three projects in technology-based educational innovation that aimed to use the e-portfolio tool: the Faculty of Education, the School of Computer Engineering and the Faculty of Science Information. The approaches to the use of e-portfolio were different in each project, being used in a course, a degree and also as a tool for job placement. This article describes the process of monitoring, training, counseling and evaluation of such projects carried out by Virtual Teaching Unit.


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How to Cite
González González, C. S. . (2014). Experimentation of e-portfolio in universities: Mahara-Moodle uses. I+ T+ C- Research, Technology and Science - Unicomfacauca, 1(8), 95–104. Retrieved from https://revistas.unicomfacauca.edu.co/ojs/index.php/itc/article/view/itc2014_pag_95_104
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