The infographies, a multimedia resource for education

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Leidy Johanna Monroy Mongua


This article makes a review of the concept of infographic and didactic infographic as a visual and multimedia resource for teaching-learning, from the review it is compared with some preliminary analyzes of the data collected through a questionnaire from the first phase of the study: “Didactic infographics for teaching in an EVA, of UNICAB virtual school”. Qualitative data collected from teachers regarding the visual resources they use to present the contents on the platform and the conception of infographics in relation to graphic and structural textual aspects are presented. Finally, it is evident that the infographics are important visual resources for teachers, but there is a low index against some elements of this tool.



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How to Cite
Monroy Mongua, L. J. . (2019). The infographies, a multimedia resource for education. I+ T+ C- Research, Technology and Science, 1(13), 102–108. Retrieved from
Research Papers