Support material for teachers in the area of technology and informatics as a tool for the application of the nature and evolution of technology component proposed by the OGET

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Brayan Esteban Gallo Sierra
Miguel Iván Piragua Padilla


he following document, corresponds to a work synthesis, created by students with a degree in technology design of the national pedagogical university as a requirement to get their professional title in the technology and computing area. In this document there’s an emphasis in the process of elaboration and validation of a supporting material for the teachers in the area of technology and computing, having as a purpose the appropriation of the general orientations for the education in OGET technology, proposed by the Ministry of National Education in the year 2008, as well as the availability of a guide to develop with the students the component of nature and the evolution of technology proposed in said orientations. Also, a description and an example is presented about the design of a school technological activity leaded by students in the third cycle. Said proposition was validated with twenty five teachers in the area, who gave their appreciations according to four aspects: theoretical foundation, methodological development, reflection elements and formal presentation of the guide, with which it was possible to analyze the relevance of the material.


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How to Cite
Gallo Sierra, B. E. ., & Piragua Padilla , M. I. . (2019). Support material for teachers in the area of technology and informatics as a tool for the application of the nature and evolution of technology component proposed by the OGET. I+ T+ C- Research, Technology and Science - Unicomfacauca, 1(13), 90–95. Retrieved from
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