Published: 2016-12-16

Development of a programmable rectangular loom prototype for handcrafted fabric

Víctor Alfonso Erazo Arteaga, Byron Hernán Cortez Pazmiño, David César Loza Matovelle


Acquisition card and myoelectric signal treatment for three-channel trans-radial prostheses

Iván Iglesias Navarro, Diego Francisco Teran Pineda, Dario Fernando Yepez Ponse, Diego Luis Ortiz Morales


Automated machine design to shape eyes and ears of automotive crossbows

John Ignacio Calle Sigüencia, Servio Vinicio Astudillo León, Hernán Patricio Morocho Campos, Édgar Odilón García Salinas


Manufacturing cell Physical model applied to a study case

John Alexander Guerrero, Diana Jimena López Mesa, Ermilso Díaz Benachí


Education, Women and Technology: Gender training preferences Analysis

Elisenda Eva Espino Espino, Carina Soledad González González
