M-learning applied to primary school at the “Liceo Técnico Superior” of Popayán

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Juan Camilo Betancourt Silva
Jehovanny José Obando Chamorro
Clara Lucía Burbano González
Katerine Márceles Villalba
José Luis Carrasco Saenz


In today’s society, with the rise of ICT and the accelerated growth of technological resources; mobile devices have
taken an important role in the daily life of the human being, in this sense, Castells [1] argues that the “advent of mobile
technologies involves a series of questions about the effects of generalization in technologies for everyday life, posing how
they influence family, work, and education; demanding the constant change, adaptability and flexibility in the handling of
“smartphones”, being help in the educational field; Under mobile learning, it is possible to obtain: portability, connectivity,
ubiquity and permanence, giving a step to the use of mobile technologies as a basis in the learning process, leading the individual to permanent online learning, acquiring new knowledge and adapting them to generate competences technologies
that allow the following question to be asked: should the use of the Smartphone be prohibited in classrooms? In this sense, the
project of technological articulation in the area of education is structured to improve cognitive and technological competences in
the IT subject of the Liceo Técnico Superior Educational Institution, where it is evident that first grade teachers lack knowledge in
the appropriation of technological resources such as m-learning, causing a gap in the use of pedagogical and didactic resources
in the use of mobile devices, being necessary the implementation of tools techno-pedagogical endeavors as Socrative under
m-learning methodologies that contribute to the improvement of activities in synchronous and asynchronous time, to generate
critical thinking in the learning process.


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How to Cite
Betancourt Silva, J. C. ., Obando Chamorro, J. J., Burbano González, C. L. ., Márceles Villalba, K. ., & Carrasco Saenz, . J. L. . (2017). M-learning applied to primary school at the “Liceo Técnico Superior” of Popayán. I+ T+ C- Research, Technology and Science - Unicomfacauca, 1(11), 69–73. Retrieved from https://revistas.unicomfacauca.edu.co/ojs/index.php/itc/article/view/itc2017_pag_69_73
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