ISSN: 1909-5775 (Print)   ISSN: 2805-7201 (Electronic)

Periodicity: Annual

Response time first Editorial decision: 30 days after submission

Peer acceptance response time: 60 days

Publish response time: 30 days after acceptance


I + T + C-Research, Technology, and Science Journal is an annual publication of the Corporación Universitaria Comfacauca - UNICOMFACAUCA, evaluated by peers. Itsprimaryn purpose is to disseminate the research results of Engineering and technology areas, as well as to disseminate the contributions and advances in research of higher education institutions, universities, research centers, industries, and the community in general, which work in the areas of Electronics, Automation, Mechatronic Systems, Software Development, Computer Science, Technology and Environmental Remediation, Industrial Engineering, Agricultural Sciences, Education Sciences, ICT Management and others related.

Vol. 1 No. 18 (2024): I+T+C - Journal of Research, Technology and Science Unicomfacauca

Published: 2024-07-16

Efficiency of carbamazepine removal using adsorbent materials obtained from coffee processing waste

Status: In review

Edwin Sierra Gaviría, César Fernández Morantes , Cristian Miranda , Nasly Delgado

Interfacial properties in multiphase food systems: scientific trends in formation, structure and functionality

Status: In Press

Yesika López Fuertes , Diego Fernando Roa Acosta, José Fernando Solanilla Duque , Jesus Eduardo Bravo Gomez , Jhon Edison Nieto Calvache

Exploitation of agro-industrial wastes: Chemical and physical treatments of coconut fibers with potential use in composite materials

Status: In press

Eduardo Argote Ortiz , Pedro Alban Bolaños , Elsa Susana Cajiao Buitrón , Héctor Samuel Villada Castillo

Evaluation of the Biological and Chemical Stability of Different Composts as Inoculum in Aerobic Biodegradation Tests

In Press

Ronaldo Ademir Bonilla Laguado, Héctor Samuel Villada Castillo, Jhon Jairo Palechor Trochez
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Journal : I+ T+ C - RESEARCH, TECNOLOGY AND SCIENCE  Editorial - Unicomfacauca ISSN: 1909-5775 e-ISSN: 2805-7201 (En Linea)


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